Intensive outpatient program
8 Weeks
Build Hope
Find Strength
Discover You!

One-Eighty Counseling & Resources Mission
One-Eighty Counseling & Resources exists to address the unique concerns of teenagers and their families through individual, family and group counseling.
Intensive Outpatient Program
In the wake of COVID-19, our counseling team saw an increase in teenage anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Students are unprepared to manage big emotions and are seeking to isolate and harm themselves in large numbers. One-Eighty’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) was created to meet such a need for students between the ages of 12-19. Meeting 9 hours per week for 7-8 weeks, our IOP includes education, group processing, and the practicing of coping skills in response to overwhelming or distressing emotions. The class also includes a Job Readiness Program, where we prepare students to think about their future, identify strengths, write resumes, do mock interviews, and more. As well as our IOP offers adventure skills. We help students build confidence and overcome fear by rock climbing (at the One-Eighty Teen Center), zip lining through the Redwoods, and team building in Tahoe. While the students are meeting in a group setting, parents are attending a parenting class/support group with a professional counselor.
What is the cost?
Compared to other IOP programs, one-Eighty's Intensive Outpatient Program could cost as much as $6,885 per person. Yet, thanks to the Lodi Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Junior League of San Joaquin County, and the San Joaquin Community Foundation - Community Health Fund, this program has been reduced to an intake fee of $375 per person. (*Please note that this fee is non-refundable.*) These foundations are committed to enhancing the greater Lodi community’s health care and healthy living. Teen mental health is one of their top priorities!

Important Information
What is Base Camp?
In 2022, the expansion of our One-Eighty Outdoor Adventures Program prompted the teaching of resiliency and coping skills to teens who would join us on our adventure treks. So much of what can be learned in nature (i.e. rappelling, hiking, kayaking) can be translated to life. In moments of tiredness and opposition, we need to discover the tools and "grit" inside of us to push through to victory on the other side. In collaboration with our One-Eighty Counseling and Resources Program came the idea of our Dan Brown House (next door) becoming the new headquarters for our Adventures Program, where students are taught how to build skills of resiliency on and off the trail. One-Eighty's Intensive Outpatient Program is just one expression of our desire to see teens use and develop what they have been given to become all that they can be. It's just a step, but we hope that through this and more, they too can see the victory on the other side.
How long is the program?
The One-Eighty Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a 8-week program from your given start date. Any accommodations for holidays will be noted during your sessions.​
The sessions will be Mon - Thurs (3:45 - 6:00pm).
When is the next group?
The One-Eighty Intensive Outpatient Program is similar to a cohort style. We try to offer 4 groups per year, starting typically every quarter. We follow the LUSD quarter system.
What is the Parent Parallel?
Our IOP offers a Parent Parallel process at our professional counseling office in downtown Lodi. You and the other parents will have the opportunity to meet 4x’s, glean what your child is learning, support each other, and learn some new strategies from a professional counselor. Upon enrollment, you will receive your four dates.