Since 2002 One-Eighty has been in the business of building bridges in our community. One of the centerpieces of our programming is our “Intentional Neighboring" Program. We’ve moved One-Eighty staff into neighborhoods identified by Lodi PD as underserved and in need of help. These staff members build relationships, intentionally reaching out to folks from diverse backgrounds, in order to build stronger and more resilient communities. We’ve seen huge success with these efforts, with joy, hope, and transformation taking place both in the neighborhoods and in the lives of our Intentional Neighbors themselves. It got us thinking… why can’t every follower of Jesus see themselves as an “intentional neighbor?” After all, Jesus' first miracle was a party (John 2), and the first time Jesus sent out his disciples, he sent them with specific instructions to enter new houses, eat together with people, bring healing where they are hurting, and (only after all this is happening) proclaim that the Kingdom of God has come near (Luke 10).
The Party Trailer was designed as a way for you to begin doing something similar. So by all means, use it to throw a great birthday party or other fun events for friends and family, but also bring in people you don’t know. Get to know them, love them, and give and receive grace and peace with them. We believe that when Jesus’ followers invite others into their lives, good things happen. The Gospel becomes very real, and our city becomes a much better place.
Serving our City,
The One-Eighty Team
P.S. Here is the less important "fine-print": Once you’ve reserved your Party Trailer date with our admin, someone from our team will reach out to you with a pick-up time and instructions for use. There are handy instructions for clean-up inside the trailer door. We ask that you return everything clean and nice, and if you use up the gasoline or propane, you replace it for the next party. If something breaks or is damaged, no worries. We will fix it. Just make sure to let us know.